Midrange Systems Limited


Software for Fresh Food Wholesalers - Information

The OneOffice 3000 Fresh Food Order Processing and Stock Control suite of software builds on the powerful OneOffice 3000 ERP system by adding functionality specific to this important industry. The software increases efficiency and enables benefits to be gained under the headings of:

Time savings
Flexible multi-pack quantity handling
Weekly accounting periodicity option
Drivers Lists
Interface to weighing equipment
Catchweight invoicing
Invoices printed in round order optionally
Stock checking at order entry

Cost Savings
Expiring stock Report
Fast cost and selling price updating
Sales margin control
Route Planning Interface
Automatic E-mailing of Invoices,
statements and other forms

Increased Sales and Improved Customer Relations
Slow movers reports
Multi-lingual invoices
Template orders
Customer specific pricing

Improved Cash Flow
Cash account handling
Credit checking at Order Entry

Sales Order Entry

The Sales Order Entry system is designed to be easy to use, but exploit the power of the computer to the full to provide maximum returns to the operator by presenting all relevant information in an effective manner, to speed the entry of orders but afford the best opportunity to develop additional sales and sales margin.

Customer Selection
Customers can be selected by account number, or by name, address, or any part of these. The customer's normal round and delivery day are shown, but these can be varied on an individual order. The system holds multiple delivery addresses for each customer and new ones can also be entered and saved during order entry.

Credit Checking

Credit checking can be enabled or disabled at the point of order entry, with the option of an 'account details' window being displayed at the start of an order. Credit checking can be defined by credit limit, overdue amounts, or both. If credit checking is enabled at order entry the system offers a number of choices as to how the order is processed if terms are exceeded. This allows maximum flexibility to suit how different companies wish to operate, and different trading conditions, and of course credit terms can be defined individually for each customer if required.

Template Orders
Customers' ordering patterns will often be similar week to week. To assist in fast order taking OneOffice 3000 provides template orders. Each customer can have a template order set up specifying the products that they normally buy. This enables both fast order taking, but also helps the salesperson increase sales by prompting the customer for their normal lines. A similar facility offers 'specials'.

Products can be defined as specials by putting them in a special price list. At the time of order entry the system will prompt the salesperson to offer any specials (that the customer has not already ordered) to help increase sales of these items.

sales order entry

Download the PDF Leaflet here.

Did you Know...

"Postcode Anywhere Integration,
OneOffice 3000 integrates with Postcode Anywhere (www.postcodeanywhere.co.uk) This means you can enter a post code and the software will look up the address and automatically enter it into your OneOffice 3000 address."