Midrange Systems Limited


Castle Trader - Product Information and History

Castle Trader is a very well featured product but now outdated; it looks old fashioned but more importantly lacks basic features (such as interoperability with Windows software) that are now available with modern products such as OneOffice 3000.

However anyone trying to replace Trader with a modern but basic Windows package will discover how well featured Castle Trader is!
OneOffice 3000 is the natural progression for all Trader users as it comes from the same authors, Global Business Systems, as the Global 2000 that Trader is based on. What this means is that:

• We can provide an easy upgrade from the Trader data and standard software; no data has to be re-entered.
• Transition to OneOffice 3000 is far easier (so less expensive) than to a separate software package as the functionality of Global 2000 has been built on in OneOffice 3000 rather than re-designed from scratch.
• The interface to OneOffice 3000 will be immediately recognisable to Castle Trader users.

OneOffice 3000 software is available to Castle Trader users at heavily discounted prices as they hold Global 2000 licences, and this even applies if Global 2000/Trader is no longer in use.

Midrange Systems, with their detailed knowledge of the old Global 2000 software, have upgraded many Castle Trader users to OneOffice 3000.

Because of their experience they are able to guarantee that the new system will meet any of the functionality that the standard Castle Trader modules contain.

Details of a few of the companies who have upgraded from Castle Trader to Global 3000 are listed here

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